In a culture of supine conformity, reflexive minimization and lazy denial it is truly counter cultural to embrace political radical acceptance.
The Daily Call (2/28/14)There’s a concept in mindfulness psychology called Radical Acceptance. The radical part is getting the ostrich to take its head out of the hole of delusion and to squarely look at what is going on. In this model “acceptance” does not mean agreement or meekly going along with the program.
Anyone who has had the misfortune to live in a family riven with substance abuse knows the importance of radical acceptance. Until a family can accept that mommy’s a meth head or daddy’s an alcoholic nothing can be done to make things right. Any “solution” will be for the wrong problem and doomed to failure.
We are at this point in America. It is time to exercise radical acceptance of the fact that the government no longer belongs to the people. It’s time to accept that a truly sociopathic fraction of a sliver of a minority now owns and controls the government; what writer Mike Lofgren calls the “Deep State”, in today’s featured article.
It is time to accept that if we don’t act our children will live their days in a brutal dystopian state that we must accept is rapidly forming around us.
We have to accept that on the really important issues of wealth concentration, erosion of civil liberties and continuation of the warfare state, there is precious little to no difference between the two parties. President Obama, the cynical hustler of hope, has proven the point beyond question.
It’s time to accept, like some inbred banana republic, our government has no legitimacy. None. It’s a new world. Talk about radical.
It’s also time to accept that time is short.
In a culture of supine conformity, reflexive minimization and lazy denial it is truly counter cultural to embrace political radical acceptance. (Just like in an alcoholic family.) It is time to let go of the bland Pollyana assurances that all will be resolved; that the system will work; that there are any meaningful checks and balances left in the bankrupt government.
It’s time to let go of all the pretense and platitudes about what is or should be. It is what it is. Accept it.
Lofgren lays it out. Yes, the article is long, but it the story of where you live and the forces that will determine the future of our nation and the world our children will live in and the collection of gathering forces that may save the day.
Understanding all this is what it means to be a true radical.
Mark L. Taylor, Editor